Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Consultation and access to the website www.esogames.it are subject to current regulations and imply acceptance of the Terms and Conditions set out below (“Terms and Conditions”), which also prevail over any other different agreement entered into or which is deemed to have occurred between the visitor of the Site (the “Visitor”) and Esogames srl (the “Company”). The Company reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions contained herein at any time and without notice. Visitors are invited to periodically check this section of the Site to review any changes.

Limitations of use

The Visitor is authorized to use and can download texts, images, audio and videos exclusively for personal use, therefore excluding commercial or professional uses. Unless otherwise indicated, the contents of the Site are protected by trademark and/or copyright and/or intellectual property laws and may not be used except in accordance with and within the limits of what is provided herein. In particular, the Visitor is not granted the right to reproduce, distribute, modify, reuse, forward the content of the Site, or any part thereof, without the written and explicit authorization of the Company. The Company will not be responsible for the violation of third party rights committed by Visitors or third parties and resulting from improper use of the contents of the Site.

Site contents

Malgrado i contenuti del Sito siano stati elaborati e formulati con la massima cura, la Società non garantisce né che gli stessi siano privi di imprecisioni, inesattezze o omissioni, né di essere in grado di aggiornarli in tempo reale o di mantenerli sempre disponibili, riservandosi di apportare in qualsiasi momento cambiamenti, correzioni, migliorie ai contenuti del Sito, o di interromperne o sospenderne le funzionalità. La Società non assume pertanto responsabilità conseguenti ad incompletezza, inesattezza o mancato aggiornamento delle informazioni contenute nel Sito, impossibilità di accedere al Sito o di visualizzarne o scaricarne o utilizzarne correttamente i contenuti, né per eventuali danni o virus che possano colpire l’attrezzatura informatica o altri beni del Visitatore in conseguenza dell’accesso, utilizzo o della navigazione nel Sito o del download di suo contenuti.

Link a siti terzi

Il Sito potrebbe contenere collegamenti ipertestuali a siti web di terzi, che possono offrire informazioni utili ai visitatori e sul cui contenuto la Società non ha alcun controllo. Poiché questi Termini e Condizioni non si applicano a tali siti e alle modalità di utilizzo e accesso agli stessi, il collegamento a siti terzi avviene sotto l’esclusiva responsabilità del Visitatore e la Società non potrà in alcun modo essere ritenuta responsabile per l’esattezza, la sicurezza o l’affidabilità di contenuti, prodotti o servizi disponibili su tali siti. DATI PERSONALI E DATI DI NAVIGAZIONE L’accesso e l’uso del Sito non comportano l’acquisizione di dati personali del Visitatore salvo ove espressamente segnalato (Area Riservata). In tali casi, il Visitatore sarà tenuto a prendere visione dell’informativa e -se del caso- ad esprimere il proprio consenso secondo quanto previsto dal Regolamento (UE) 2016/6796.

However, the procedures and the IT system responsible for the operation of the Site may acquire, during their normal operation, some data whose transmission is implicit in the use and communication protocols of the Internet. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties but by its very nature could, through processing and association with other data held by the Company or third parties, allow the identification of the Visitor. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of request, the request method, the size of the files obtained in response, the numerical code marking the server’s response and other parameters relating to the operating system and the Visitor’s IT environment. This data may be used by the Company for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous and aggregate information on the use of the Site for the purpose, for example, of identifying the pages or contexts preferred by users in order to provide increasingly adequate services and verify their correct functioning . Only in the event of violations or hypothetical computer crimes involving the Site can such data be used to ascertain responsibility.

Finally, we would like to point out that access to the Site may involve the recording of “cookies” on the hard disk of the Visitor’s device (computer, tablet, PDA or telephone). “Cookies” are small text files that the sites visited by the user send to his terminal (usually to the browser), where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites at the next visit by the same user. The information saved in the cookies will remain anonymous and will not allow the Visitor to be identified.

However, the Visitor can request the deactivation of cookies at any time by changing the settings of his browser. Most browsers accept cookies automatically, but it is possible to delete cookies already registered and avoid the registration of new cookies by selecting the appropriate option (possibly consulting the browser instructions). For further information we encourage you to access the “Cookie policy” section of this site via the  Cookie Policy link .

Rome, 25 May 2023